Thoughtfactory’s Notebooks: Rhizomes

bark, trees, roads, bushland

Pitkin Rd, Waitpinga

This  picture of  the corner of Francis and Pitkin Streets was made whilst I was on  an exploratory poodlewalk in Waitpinga. Pitkin Rd runs off Waitpinga Rd. This is  the  road you take to go to both Newland Head Conservation Park and the surf beaches---Waitpinga Beach  and Parsons Beach.

I was looking for different places close to the studio  to walk as I was bored walking along  the usual  back country country roads.    Both Pitkin and its side road--Francis Rd--  are no through roads,  as they just  lead to various farms or properties.  

The light has changed dramatically--I discovered that there is very little time between sunlight on the trees and no lighting on the cusp of autumn and winter.   I had taken a film camera and tripod with me, but I  wanted softer light. so  I went walking.  When I returned there  was no  time to set up  the camera and tripod. The soft light just vanished--there one minute, gone the next.